My training background
Coach (EMCC accredited):
- Co-active
- Organisation and Relationship System Coaching (ORSC)
- Kingstown college - Personal, Leadership and Executive CoachingCertified
- Positive Intelligence PQ coach
UniOne Easer
Participatory leadership
Leadership flowgame
200 hours certified yoga training - Yogalife
300 hours certified yoga training - Sattva Yoga AcademyTeacher's training
Mindfulness Teachers training
3 years of studying Ayurveda
Simone Rave - about me

My path
I started my journey more than 20 years ago, when I first got in touch with the Indian yogic philosophy to life. Since then my curiosity and hunger to learn more about both the Eastern and Western approaches to life have never stopped.
I am coach and trainer on authentic leadership, applied to different areas of life.
Since a few years I feel increasingly drawn to integrate the enormous wisdom coming from the spiritual traditions into all that I have been offering.
I have been following several yogic masters and teachings and went foremost deep into practicing and experiencing the impact of the teachings on my own life.
This is where I realised the crucial importance to practice and live the teachings in addition to integrating the enormously rich knowledge.
This journey continues and will never stop. While I started my journey through the yogic path, I ultimately came to realise that all spiritual traditions are at their core essentially the same. It is therefore not about being attached to any of them, but going deeper within oneself, beyond any believes, patterns or thoughts and realise our potential and power to create our own reality and impact the world around.